Sunday 17 June 2012

Weekend Update

Hey Guys,

Quick update on what I got up too...well firstly

  • I dyed my hair!!! Ahhh, never thought I would do it but my hair was getting so dark I just wanted to brighten it up for the Summer. I was always blonde until a few years ago my hair naturally just started turning dark..annoying! But anyway, I went for a consultation and we decided to balayage my hair with caramel and blonde. I was really nervous but excited to see what it would turn out like. It took about 2 1/2 hours but I'm really happy with how it turned out...that was my YOLO moment! ;-) Ha ha ha
Pic taken from my Instagram: Before & After

  • My nieces Alex & Kaylie who are almost 3 came over! I LOVE when they come over there just so fun :-) The conversations we have are the best I love toddler talk its the funniest!! Yesterday, Alex said to me "There's a baby in my belly and it's a boy" Like where did she get that from?! I laughed So hard!! ha ha ha 

  • It's Fathers Day!!! Hope everyone enjoyed their day with their dad :-) I have the best dad ever!!! I tell him everything don't know where I would be without him...seriously! We spent the day in Howth, our favourite place and we went to the same restaurant we always go too, their food is the best!! After dinner, we went for a short walk to the see the seals and get some fresh sea air, as ya do!

Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend!


*Follow me on Instagram:

New Yoooooork (Photo Heavy)

Hey Guys,
I'm really tired at the moment, so I  thought I'd just post loads of pics from my trip to New York since I'm nearly home a week!!




Chillin' in Times Square
Before heading into DASH, I was SO excited!!!!

What a view

Outside MSG

Barack, Where you at?

PEACE; Outside the White House

I'll do a haul of what I got this week so watch out for it :-)
Enjoy the pics!!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Watch The Throne

Hey guys, just thought I'd share what I did this weekend with you, because I haven't updated in a while. So on Friday I went to the Kanye West and JayZ concert, Watch the Throne with my friends Aisling and Sinead and it was Amazing. I wasn't really excited about it as I never get excited about anything (which is kind of annoying) but as I got into the O2, where the were playing, and got to the barrier, which is the very front row I started to get really excited. The two of then put on an brilliant performance, well worth the €80. There were lasers, fire, and even huge cubes that rose up out of the ground, and the two of them didn't stop for the two hours they played. Since I was at the very front, I even sang along to a part of  "Welcome to the Jungle" with JayZ!!! Since it was Kanye's birthday they added extra songs to the setlist such as "Glory, and for his birthday Kim Kardashian, his girlfriend got him a $750,000 Lamborghini an they've only been going out three months!

As a whole the concert was one of the best I have ever been to in my entire life, its two days on and I'm still singing the songs from it! The tickets were expensive but I would really recommend to anyone to go to it because it is well worth it, you're getting two amazing performers plus a fantastic stage set up. Anyways that's it for now, talk to you guys soon!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

In America....

Hey Guys,

Well, I really didn't plan on blogging while I was here, but I'm currently on a 4 hour train ride to Washington D.C with wifi on board so I thought why not?
Were heading to Washington for 3 days just to sight see and it will be a nice change to get out of the city for a bit and see something new :-)
I'm having the BEST time!!!

I really love New York, I can actually see myself moving here in a few years, I love the atmosphere of the city, the people, the shops, the food....EVERYTHING!!
The food portions in America are HUGE...and unhealthy but so whaaaaaaat YOLO right?! ;-)

Last night, I went to my first every baseball game, 
New York Yankee's Vs Tampa Bay Rays
the Yankees won...woooop! 
It was such a good experience I actually really enjoyed it!

We've been really busy, the days are flying here I won't wanna leave :-(

So that's all for now there'll be plenty of posts when I'm home and PICTURES!
Ohhhh and the train station in New York was right beside Madison Square Garden, I can still can't believe my baby (Justin Bieber) sold that place out in 30 30 seconds???
He seriously amazes me AW I love him!!!
I had to take a picture outside and I just so happened to be wearing my Bieber t-shirt ;-)

Hope everyone is enjoying their Summer!

Friday 1 June 2012

Bye.......For Now!

Hey Guys,

I really should be asleep right but now but I took the last few mins before bed to write up this quick short post! 
Anyways, I'm up in about 7 hours heading to NYC BABY! 

I'm SO excited it's really starting to kick in!
I'm gonna keep this post short, and sweet but I'm gone for about 12 days, were staying just outside New York in a friends house, in Mount Vernon if you wiki it you'll see P.Diddy grew up there..CRAY!!

We'll be sightseeing, going to a baseball game (YANKEE'S WOOOP), going to broadway etc. 
Ahhhhh! I'm sitting here sooooo excited!!!!!!!
I'll be taking lots of pics and there will be plently of post when I get home!
But Sarah will be sure to keep you updated with a few posts ;-)

I hope anybody else heading off on holidays has a great time!

Be Back Soon,

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Summer purchase!

Hey guys,
So my Mam just came back from Spain and as a gift she got me perfume in the airport, as it's duty free! I left her with the guideline of something floral scented as I needed a perfume for the summer, and something that wasn't too heavy. When she came home with Burberry Body I was a bit nervous because Burberry perfumes tend to be very heavily scented but this one was gorgeous!
The smell reminds me of exotic fruit and flowers that you'd see in hot countries like Spain. For a 60ml bottle its RRP is about €50 and one spray really goes a long way scent wise so you're getting a lot for your money. I really do recommend it if you're looking for something floral and fruity for summer that will really last you a long time. I can definitely see me buying this again!

The bottle and packaging

The bottle, it's so big!


Monday 28 May 2012

Transition Year Grad

Hey Guys,

So yeah the title says it all really. On Thursday we graduated from Transition Year..., sad times :'(
TY, is like the year between the Junior and Leaving Cert which are two state exams for people who don't know. We finish before anyone else in the whole school because we don't do exams.
It was probably the best year we've ever had. We were just always having fun, going places, making new friends, getting closer to old ones!

On Thursday, we had an awards ceremony in school. There were a few different categories, and the two of us were lucky to get nominated. Ashleigh got nominated for the Social Skills Award, and Sarah got nominated for the Leadership Award, and best of all...WE WON!
We really weren't even expecting it because it was nice enough to be nominated so we were delighted we both won something! It's nice to say you got something out of the year :-)

So that night to celebrate our year, everybody went to a chinese for a buffet and to partay of course ;-)
We organised a DJ, so everybody was out dancing the whole night.

 It was great end to a great year and we'll never forget all the memories we've made! :-)

Here's some pics of the night.,
-Ashleigh & Sarah

Getting ready with Niamh, Aisling, & Ashleigh


Quick pic before we go!

Sarah with the lads on the bus! ;-)

Anna, Ash & Jen on the bus

Taking a pic when Sarah was reapplying her lippy ;-)

Most of our year chilling on the hill before the awards